Katya Alexeeva

Katya (Catherine) Alexeeva was born and grew up in Odessa, Ukraine. She learnt art during her study at Odessa Architectural Academy where Katya worked after graduation teaching both undergraduate and graduate students in architectural city layouts, projecting industrial buildings, art and business centers. She moved to the U.S. in 2002 with her family and has been living in Bloomington, IN for 19 years. Her passion in painting and drawing received second start in 2018 when Katya joined the Bloomington Watercolor Society (BWS). That year she participated for the first time in BWS Show in Vault Mortgage Gallery with her painting “Spirit of Jazz” which received the first prize. Being active member of IPAPA, Katya is activity chair in BWS, and a vice-president of Upland Plain Air group of artists, inspired by nature. Her plain air and studio artworks are inspired by variety of themes including land and cityscapes, still life and portraits.

Irina Shishova
's Work
Katya Alexeeva
's Work